Building Culture as a Competitive Advantage

When the people within a business thrive, the business itself thrives. It sounds simple, yet as businesses we often forget the positive impact our people can have when truly empowered and motivated. My goal is to help businesses, and their people, achieve greater success by evolving the way they work together. It’s a simple formula. Happy, fulfilled, motivated people make for a successful and healthy business and attract like-minded others to the business. The key to all of this lies in the ‘culture’ of the business.

Every business has its own internal culture born of the beliefs, habits and values of its leaders. In many cases the culture is the only distinct competitive advantage that the business has – it is the secret sauce that makes them special. Defining and developing a compelling and authentic culture and leadership strategy is, therefore, a crucial aspect of Business Development. I work with businesses to create and evolve robust strategic frameworks to underpin their business culture, covering all aspects of the development and wellbeing of their people. My methodologies are taken from the latest thinking in this area and are rooted in the concept of building authentic and compelling brand narratives.

Leading a Happy Culture

Leaders consciously or unconsciously set the culture of a business and in their actions they set the tone for all to follow. This is why the leadership model of an organisation is crucial to its happiness and health. Leadership works powerfully by example meaning leadership training is not just for those at the top but it must start with those at the top. When you stop placing your own interests before those of your colleagues, you can motivate and inspire all those around you. By recognising that leaders exist at every level of an organisation and by empowering people across a business the whole business benefits.

I work with organisations to develop innovative and supportive training courses and one-to-one coaching programmes designed to foster a culture of continuous improvement and personal development. A key part of this is a focus on leadership behaviour and how it impacts the organisation’s cultural approach to areas such as stress, communication, diversity and performance. Training and coaching is an essential part of creating a healthy organisational culture that is committed to helping people define their purpose and supporting them in both their professional and personal goals. Too often businesses ignore people’s needs for development and they leave, creating a considerable financial impact. The solution is simple – focus on creating a workplace culture that people just don’t want to leave.

For an open conversation about how my approach can benefit your business and your people please get in touch.